06 October, 2013

Visit while you can

Alastair Traill, Wonga Park
The Age (letter), 6/10/2013

For an uplifting experience, visit an old-growth forest - only 1880 hectares remain in our Central Highlands and soon there will be even less. We need a hero to stop the chainsaws, someone to tell politicians there is more to Victoria than the Great Ocean Road or penguins; that they are the custodians of the world's largest flowering plants, more impressive than California's General Sherman - Earth's bulkiest and most visited tree; that our forests are the planet's best for storing carbon.

About 40 animal species depend on old-growth tree hollows. Thus our hero needs animal management skills as well as economic and political talent. A former vet trained in scientific logic would be ideal, it is up to you, Dr Napthine - a park for all, not woodchips for a few.

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