02 March, 2014

One-sided debate

Ross Hampton, Deakin
Canberra Times, March 02, 2014

IT IS no surprise to the forest and forest-products industries that some researchers seek to use narrowly defined research to support their aim of destroying forestry and the 40,000 regional jobs it sustains; but it is rather more disappointing that The Canberra Times fails to provide readers with any counter view. (''Young forests threatened by fires, logging'', February 23, p9). Had the reporter made an effort to contact the Canberra-based peak industry group for forestry, I could have provided any number of eminent scientists to show that forestry is helping save our bush. For example, readers would be interested to read that the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel and Climate Change) says a working forest (which includes timber harvesting) provides the best carbon store over time. While it's reported that the forum's organiser said he brought together forestry experts to push for evidence-based forestry policy, it is a shame that The Canberra Times chose to print only one side of the debate.

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