10 November, 2010

Want to save the world? Plant a tree

Steven Katsineris, Hurstbridge
The Age (letter), 10 November 2010

SINCE the fires of 2009 there has been an increase in clearing of trees and other native vegetation around Melbourne. In the past 200 years we have cleared billions of trees for agriculture, grazing and human habitation. The loss of these trees and other vegetation has brought about many of the environmental problems we now face in south-eastern Australia.

We need to nurture and maintain trees; by conserving and replanting them we combat climate change, filter and purify our water, cool the earth, stop soil erosion, control salinity, provide shade and shelter, preserve habitat and wildlife.

We all want to protect our families and communities, but rather than helping, cutting down more trees will probably make things worse.

Every tree saved makes a difference to retaining a healthy environment.

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